Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I found the video about Native American mascots and discrimination to be incredibly eye opening. Aside from a few colleagues at work, my exposure to, and knowledge of the Native American culture is unfortunately very limited. Before watching this video, I probably would not have thought much or possibly anything of seeing an Indian mascot at a sporting event. In the past I have seen such mascots and never realized that they were offensive. I empathized after hearing how offensive and hurtful it was, especially after seeing (I do not remember the exact examples) things like “The New England Catholics” or “The Midwest Caucasians” on team flags.

I was apauled by the view points and lack of understanding from some of the alumni and faculty members that were interviewed from the University. In my opinion, it is one thing to not realize that you are offending somebody or someone’s culture, but it is another thing to not try and change it once it is made clear that you are. One of the people being interviewed made the comment that the mascot was representing Native Americans in an “honorable and dignified” way. Clearly they are not if people are offended by it! Another made the comment that “minority rights are not always right.” I was very surprised by these comments. This video made me realize the importance of educating myself and students about cultures different from my own. I think that good, diverse literature one great way of doing this!

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